Tech Talk is a series highlighting a member of the Gophermods Family. We presented each of our technicians, managers and employees with a series of questions. These are their answers. Today our guest is Priya Prashad: our Business Relations, Human Resources and Accounting Manager.
1. Where are you from?
Born and raised in St.Paul, MN
Priya manages Human Resources and Accounting in addition to working with Business Customers.
2. What do you do at Gophermods?
I am the Business Relations Manager for Gophermods.
3. What is your favorite phone to repair and why?
Being the Business Manager I do not do many repairs, but my favorite phone repair that I have done would be an iPhone 5C screen repair. It became my favorite because I had to repair my phone so much that I became pretty good at it!
4. What motivated you to be a part of Gophermods?
Before Gophermods I worked for a fitness company that had a very corporate environment. I was looking for a change when this opportunity presented itself. I wanted to be a part of Gophermods because of the company culture. I love the fact that it is a small local company where your voice and opinions matter and make a difference.
5. What is your favorite piece of technology that you own?
My favorite piece of technology that I own is my MacBook Pro. It is my favorite more for the sentimental value more than anything else. It was the first piece of technology that I purchased on my own.
6. What is your current phone?
I currently have an iPhone 6 64gb
7. What do you like about your phone?
I came from an iPhone 5C and I must say that my favorite thing about the iPhone 6 is the Touch ID Fingerprint Scanner, it really makes life simpler.
8. After repairing a wide variety of phones, is there one you would consider switching from your current one for?
While I do not repair phones, I do get a chance to see all the phones that come in and out of our stores. I would consider switching from my phone to an iPhone SE, it would be nice to have a phone that has the same insides as the iPhone 6 only in a smaller footprint.